- Crescent Axe
- Crystal Morning Star
- Bluewing Crossbow
- Aquagold Crossbow
- Giant Sword
- Heliacal Sword
- Lighting Sword
- Holy Storm Claws
- Great Scythe
- Bill of Balrog
- Alacran Lance
- Staff of Resurrection
- Book of Neil
- Demonic Stick
- Great Scepter
- Cross Shield
- Ashcrow Helm
- Ashcrow Armor
- Ashcrow Gloves
- Ashcrow Pants
- Ashcrow Boots
- Demonic Helm
- Demonic Armor
- Demonic Gloves
- Demonic Pants
- Demonic Boots
- Adamantine Mask
- Adamantine Armor
- Adamantine Gloves
- Adamantine Pants
- Adamantine Boots
- Eclipse Helm
- Eclipse Armor
- Eclipse Gloves
- Eclipse Pants
- Eclipse Boots
- Iris Helm
- Iris Armor
- Iris Gloves
- Iris Pants
- Iris Boots
- Princie Helmet
- Princie Armor
- Princie Gloves
- Princie Pants
- Princie Boots
- Storm Crow Armor
- Storm Crow Gloves
- Storm Crow Pants
- Storm Crow Boots
- Storm Jahad Helm
- Storm Jahad Armor
- Storm Jahad Pants
- Storm Jahad Boots
- Pendant of Lighting
- Pendant of Fire
- Pendant of Ice
- Pendant of Wind
- Pendant of Water
- Pendant of Ability
- Ring of Ice
- Ring of Poison
- Ring of Fire
- Ring of Earth
- Ring of Wind
- Ring of Magic