- Nikea Axe
- Larkan Axe
- Great Hammer
- Tiger Bow
- Serpent Crossbow
- Silver Bow
- Legendary Sword
- Double Blade
- Sacred Glove
- Berdysh
- Light Spear
- Serpent Spear
- Conmocion Lance
- Bill of Balrog
- Legendary Staff
- Book of Shamut
- Ancient Stick
- Master Scepter
- Dragon Slayer Shield
- Alacran Shield
- Serpent Shield
- Legendary Shield
- Bronze Shield
- Dragon Shield
- Dragon Helm
- Dragon Armor
- Dragon Gloves
- Dragon Pants
- Dragon Boots
- Ancient Helm
- Ancient Gloves
- Ancient Armor
- Ancient Pants
- Ancient Boots
- Legendary Helm
- Legendary Armor
- Legendary Gloves
- Legendary Pants
- Legendary Boots
- Guardian Helm
- Guardian Armor
- Guardian Gloves
- Guardian Pants
- Guardian Boots
- Gru hill Helmet
- Gru Hill Armor
- Gru Hill Gloves
- Gru Hill Pants
- Gru Hill Boots
- Sacred Fire Helm
- Sacred Fire Armor
- Sacred Fire Pants
- Sacred Fire Boots
- Pendant of Lighting
- Pendant of Fire
- Pendant of Ice
- Pendant of Wind
- Pendant of Water
- Pendant of Ability
- Ring of Ice
- Ring of Poison
- Ring of Fire
- Ring of Earth
- Ring of Wind
- Ring of Magic